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The Codelist InfrastructureManagers contains a list of infrastructure managing companies. Your railML® download will usually contain the codelist InfrastructureManagers in a directory codelists, next to documentation and schema. As the codelists have shorter cycles than railML® versions you might want to get the current list from (link to the railML® website).

Codelists are intended to address certain frequently used entities with a single code, as to avoid repetitious work as well as ambiguity errors. The concept is explained here.

The list contains infrastructure managing companies. The container element for the list is named <infrastructureManagerCodes>. The items are named <infrastructureManager> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: a code, that should be referred to from within an railML file, typically a short name for the infrastructure manager in latin letters. It links the railML® element <infrastructureManager> with the code list.
  • Children

For instance, the entry for ÖBB Infra looks like this:

<infrastructureManager code="ÖBB">
  <name>ÖBB Infra</name>

Affected Elements

Currently the codelist InfrastructureManagers.XML can be called from three elements:

Missinginformation.png In this article there is information missing with respect to the elements calling this codelist. Please help improving the railML® wiki by filling the gaps. Possibly, you will find further details on the discussion pageFerri Leberl (talk) 16:58, 9 January 2018 (CET)

Current entries

As of January 2018, the following companies are listed:

railML® Code Name Validity Country Code UIC/TSI URL Contact
ADF es: Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF)
en: Administrator of Railway Network
ES 0071
AVG de: Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH DE
BC en: Belarusian Railways BY 0021
BDK dk: Banedanmark DK 0086
BLS de: BLS Netz CH 0063
BN Bane NOR begin: 2017-01-01 NO 0076
BRE de: Bayerische Regionaleisenbahn DE
CFL Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois LU 0082
CFM Calea Ferată din Moldova MD 0023
CFR Societatea Naţională de Transport Feroviar de Călători RO 1153
CIE Córas Iompair Éireann IE 0060
DBN de: DB Netz AG DE 0080
DRE de: Deutsche Regionaleisenbahn DE
evb de: Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH DE
GKB de: Graz-Köflacher Bahn und Busbetrieb GmbH AT
GyS GySEV HU 0043
HSB de: Harzer Schmalspurbahnen GmbH DE
HZI HŽ Infrastruktura HR 0078
HzL de: Hohenzollerische Landesbahn AG DE
InB Infrabel BE 0088
JBV Jernbaneverket end: 2016-12-31 NO 0076
KZH Kazakhstan Temir Zholy KZ 0027
LDz Latvijas dzelzceļš LV 0025
LG AB 'Lietuvos geležinkeliai' LT 0024
MGB Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn CH
MZ Makedonski Železnici Infrastructure-Skopje MK 0065
NEB Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn AG, Berlin DE
NR Network Rail Limited GB 0070
NKS National Railway Infrastructure Company BG 0052
ÖBB ÖBB Infra AT 0081
OHE Osthannoversche Eisenbahnen AG DE
PLK PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. PL 0051
PrR ProRail NL 0084
REF Infraestruturas de Portugal S.A. PT 0094
RFF SNCF Réseau FR 0087
RFI Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA IT 0083
RhB Rhätische Bahn AG CH 3267
RIG RegioInfra Gesellschaft mbH DE
RÖE Raab-Oedenburg-Ebenfurter Eisenbahn AT
RSE Rhein-Sieg-Eisenbahn GmbH DE 3259
SBB SBB Infrastruktur CH 0085
SLB Salzburger Lokalbahn AG AT 3034
SuH Stern und Hafferl Verkehrsgesellschaft m.b.H. AT 3309
SZI SŽ Infrastruktura SI 0079
ThE Thüringer Eisenbahn GmbH</name> begin: 2001-08-01 DE
TrV Trafikverket SE 0074
UZ Ukrainski Zaliznytsi UA 0022
VPE Vasúti Pályakapacitás-elosztó Kft. HU 3032
VR VR Track Ltd. FI 2910
ZS Infrastruktura Železnice Srbije RS 0072
ZRS Željeznice Republike Srpske BA 0044
ZSR Železnice Slovenskej Republiky SK 0056

Are you missing an entry? The procedure to extend the list is explained here.
