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XML Railway exchange format
Latest release: 3.3
(November 5th 2024)
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Rollingstock (RS)

RS root elementRS use casesConcepts & examples

General Information

The rollingstock subschema is part of the complete railML (link to the railML® website) schema providing a data structure in XML language for the exchange of railway specific data.

The rollingstock schema provides container for all data about any kind of rail vehicles including locomotives, multiple units, passenger and freight wagons. The second part of the schema enables the combination of single vehicles to formations as a fixed composition within a train or an entire train. The root element is always <railml>, thus it is even possible to combine data of rolling stock with those of other railML® schemas within one file. The main element for this schema is <rollingstock>, which is the root for data about any rolling stock.

It is intended to use this data schema for vehicle management as well as for detailed run-time calculations. Depending on the purpose only the <vehicles> branch of the data tree may be populated or the <formations> branch appears or both of them. The <vehicles> branch contains all data related to single vehicles. However, there are data, which are mainly used in relation to a composition of vehicles. Therefore the <formations> branch is used to reflect the characteristics an entire train or a composition of vehicles within a train.

The Rollingstock schema comprises the following features:

  • separate parts for vehicles and for train parts or complete trains
  • possible specification of vehicle families and individual vehicles using the common features of the family
  • different level of detail for data
  1. vehicle as black box (with respect to dynamic characteristics) with only mean values
  2. vehicle as black box (with respect to dynamic characteristics) with curves for particular values being variable within the operating range
  3. vehicle as white box with details about the internal propulsion system
  • vehicles with motive power, for passenger or freight use
  • combination of vehicles to formations, i.e. train parts or complete trains

Please visit the railML-Website (link to the railML® website) for more detailed information about the Rollingstock subschema or send an email to the coordinator of the subschema.


For more information please refer to the following pages:

All elements in the Wiki are documented with the elment name and the prefix of their subschema (RS: for timetable) — e.g. the wiki documentation for <vehicle> is found here: