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The codelist TrainClearanceGauges collects clearance gauge standards. It provides data related to a particular train clearance gauge class. Your railML® download may contain the code lists in a directory codelists, next to documentation and schema. As the code lists have shorter cycles than railML® versions have you might want to get the current list from (link to the railML® website).

The code lists are intended to address certain frequently used entities with a single code, as to avoid repetitious work as well as ambiguity errors. Moreover, the separation of schema and codelists allows actualizing the codelists in very short cycles. The concept of codelists is explained here.

The codelist consists of clearance gauge standards (external link). It provides data related to a particular train clearance gauge class. The root/container element is named <trainClearanceGaugeList>. The items are named <trainClearanceGauge> with the following specification:

  • Attributes
    • code: A code, that should be referred to from within a railML file, typically a short name for the train clearance gauges in latin letters
  • Children
    • <description>: Internationalized name of the clearance gauge.
    • <validFor>: Gives indication, whether the clearance gauge is valid for only a national, several national or all TSI-compliant networks. Allowed values are "interoperable", "multinational" and "national".
Example entry
<trainClearanceGauge code="GA">
 <description>stucture gauge GA according European standard</description>

Affected Elements

Currently the codes listed in InfrastructureManagers.xml can be used as values for the code attribute of the following elements:

railML® 2

railML® 3

Current entries

As of January 2018, the following gauges are listed:

railML® Code Description ValidFor URL Contact
GA stucture gauge GA according European standard interoperable
GB stucture gauge GB according European standard interoperable
GC stucture gauge GC according European standard interoperable
G1 Multilateral gauge or international gauge G1 other than GA, GB and GC as defined in European standard. interoperable
G2 Multilateral gauge or international gauge G2 other than GA, GB and GC as defined in European standard. multinational
GB1 Multilateral gauge or international gauge GB1 other than GA, GB and GC as defined in European standard. multinational
GB2 Multilateral gauge or international gauge GB2 other than GA, GB and GC as defined in European standard. multinational
BE1 Domestic gauge BE1 as defined in European standard or national regulation. national
BE2 Domestic gauge BE2 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
BE3 Domestic gauge BE3 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
FR-3.3 Domestic gauge FR-3.3 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
PTb Domestic gauge PTb as defined in European standard or national regulation national
PTb+ Domestic gauge PTb+ as defined in European standard or national regulation national
PTc Domestic gauge PTc as defined in European standard or national regulation national
FIN1 Domestic gauge FIN1 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
SEa Domestic gauge SEa as defined in European standard or national regulation national
SEc Domestic gauge SEc as defined in European standard or national regulation national
DE1 Domestic gauge DE1 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
DE2 Domestic gauge DE2 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
DE3 Domestic gauge DE3 as defined in European standard or national regulation interoperable
Z-GCD Domestic gauge Z-GCD as defined in European standard or national regulation national
UK1 Domestic gauge UK1 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
UK1[D] Domestic gauge UK1[D] as defined in European standard or national regulation national
W6 Domestic gauge W6 as defined in European standard or national regulation national
FS Domestic gauge FS (Italy) as defined in European standard or national regulation national
S Domestic gauge S (1520 broad gauge) as defined in European standard or national regulation interoperable
GHE16 Domestic gauge GHE16 (Spain) as defined in European standard or national regulation national
GEB16 Domestic gauge GEB16 (Spain) as defined in European standard or national regulation national
GEC16 Domestic gauge GEC16 (Spain) as defined in European standard or national regulation national
IRL1 Domestic gauge IRL1 (Ireland) as defined in European standard or national regulation interoperable
IRL2 Domestic gauge IRL2 (Ireland) as defined in European standard or national regulation national
IRL3 Domestic gauge IRL3 (Ireland) as defined in European standard or national regulation national

Are you missing an entry? The procedure to extend the list is explained here.