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This element does not appear in railML® 3.3 within the IL subschema. It is available only in railML® . Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.

This element does not appear in railML® 3.2 within the IL subschema. It is available only in railML® . Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.

This element does not appear in railML® 3.1 within the IL subschema. It is available only in railML® . Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.


Best Practice / Examples

A <radioBlockCentre> is a control unit communicating with the trains via radio. It is used in conjunction with one or more <signalBox> to supervise train traffic, ensure its safety and give commands to the trains concerning permissible speeds and stopping points when running in ETCS level 2 or 3. The following attributes and elements are available for a radio block centre (RBC):

  • <etcs> - The sub-element provides some basic information about the ETCS parameters of the RBC. These are the following:
    • @nidCountry – This is the representation of NID_C from UNISIG. It is the identification number of the country or region: Code used to identify the country or region in which the balise group, the RBC or the RIU is situated. These need not necessarily follow administrative or political boundaries.
    • @nidRadio – This is the representation of NID_RADIO from UNISIG. It is the radio subscriber number: Quoted as a 16 digit decimal number. The number is to be entered “left adjusted,” starting with the first digit to be dialled. Padding by the special value F shall be added after the least significant digit of the number. For further information about NID_RADIO, refer to SUBSET-054.
    • @nidRadioNetwork – This is the representation of NID_MN from UNISIG. The Radio Network identity: The NID_MN identifies the GSM-R network the mobile calling station has to register with. The NID_MN consists of up to 6 digits which are entered left adjusted into the data field; the leftmost digit is the digit to be dialled first. In case the NID_MN is shorter than six digits, the remaining space is to be filled with the special character “F”. For further information about NID_MN, refer to Subset-054.
    • @nidRBC – This is the representation of NID_RBC from UNISIG. It is the RBC ETCS identity number: This variable provides the identity of the RBC belonging to NID_C. The RBC ETCS identity is given by NID_C + NID_RBC.
    • @version – This is the version string of the ETCS version supported by this RBC.
  • <isLimitedByRbcBorder> - Each element is a reference to an element in <functionalInfrastructure> defining the borders of the RBC.
  • <containedTrackAssets> - Each element is a reference to each track asset from the list of all track assets in <assetsForInterlocking> known to the RBC.
  • <hasCommunicationSettings> - This is a container for the computer network related settings of this RBC used for communication within the network.
  • <hasCommands> - This is a list of commands, which are available for operation of the RBC.
  • <hasIndications> - This is a list of indications available on the HMI for indicating several status of the RBC.
  • <connectedSignalbox> - This is a list of references to <signalBox> elements, which are in direct communication to this RBC.

Example 1 - radioBlockCentre with limiting border elements

<radioBlockCentre id="radioBlockCentre1" softwareVersion="04.05" >
    <designator register="_rbcInterfaceId" entry="RbcIF:RBC1"/>
    <designator register="sci_cc" entry="GE_A00_RBC_00##0001"/>
    <etcsGeneralData mVersion="02" nidCountry="081" nidRBC="09001" nidRadio="0x0049183599900100" nidRadioNetwork="0x262100"/>
    <isLimitedByRbcBorder ref="rbcBorder_rbc1"/>
    <isLimitedByRbcBorder ref="rbcBorder_rbc2"/>
    <hasCommunicationSettings hasIPv4Address="" hasMAC_Address="19:16:21:19:03:05">
        <dnsServer address=""/>
    <connectedSignalBox ref="signalBox1"/>

Example 2 - radioBlockCentre with contained elements

<radioBlockCentre id="radioBlockCentre2" softwareVersion="04.05" >
     <designator register="_rbcInterfaceId" entry="RbcIF:RBC2"/>
     <designator register="sci_cc" entry="GE_A00_RBC_00##0002"/>
     <etcsGeneralData mVersion="02" nidCountry="081" nidRBC="09002" nidRadio="0x0049183599900200" nidRadioNetwork="0x262100"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="tvdSection1"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="tvdSection2"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="tvdSection3"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="switch1"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="signal1"/>
     <containedTrackAssets ref="signal2"/>
     <hasCommunicationSettings hasIPv4Address="" hasMAC_Address="19:16:21:19:03:05">
         <dnsServer address=""/>
     <connectedSignalBox ref="signalBox2"/>

Additional Information


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