
From railML 3 Wiki
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XML Railway exchange format
Latest release: 3.2
(April 26th, 2022)
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Versions & Changes
railML® 2 WikiRailTopoModel® Wiki

This page is intended to inform about the schema changes by topics, that influence the XML output. As it starts as a stub please refer to the railML forum (link to the railML® website) and the ticket systems railML® 2 #for railML® 2 and {{ticket|2=3|3=for railML® 3, too.

Versions & Licences

The development of the early alpha versions started in 2001. Version 1.0, the first version allotted for productive use, was published in 2005. In 2019, the development was forked into the established railML® 2 family and the new railML® 3 family. railML® 3 differs from railML® 2 in many features and therefore is not designed backward compatible. The most fundamental difference is difficult to recognize at the surface: It is based on RailTopoModel®, thus incorporating a sophisticated topology model in the background. The current railML® 2 version is 2.4, published in 2018. The current railML® 3 version is 3.1, published in 2019. All currently supported railML® versions are licensed dually free under a restricted form of the Creative Commons licence (external link) CC-BY-NC-ND and (for certified programmes) in free a commercial licence. To learn more about the licence terms see (link to the railML® website).

A detailed version list can be found on (link to the railML® website).

Schema changes in older railML versions / Other information sources

It is not intended to describe changes between minor versions in railML® 1 as there are no records from the pre-SVN time. Also changes between the major releases (railML® 1 > railML® 2 or railML® 2 > railML® 3) could not be described here, as there are too many structural and major changes in railML®.

railML schema changes within version 2

The changes between the railML® 2 minor versions are available in the following descriptions:

Please, employ template:change to add etries.

railML schema changes within version 3

Currently only one published version exists (railML® 3.1). railML® 3.2 is scheduled for June 2021.