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=={{Additional Information}}==
=={{Additional Information}}==
As {{tag|IL|movableBridge}} an {{tag|IS|underCrossing}} is seen, where a railway line is passed underneath by a waterway. This bridge is normally locked in the position for trains to run safely accross the bridge. But for the passing of a vessel the bridge needs to be moved out of the way. The particular construction of the moveable elements does not matter here as the drive for the bridge is normally outside of the railway control. Important is only the supervision and locking of the normal (closed) position. Therefore the {{tag|IL|movableBridge}} is modelled similar to {{tag|IL|genericDetetcor}} and {{tag|IL|keyLockIL}}.
* {{@|elementNumber}} - An positive integer number unique within one {{tag|IL|signalBox}} to index the lement in internal lists.
* {{@|id}} - The unique identifier used to reference this element within railML.
* {{@|technicalClosingTime}} - The time period which is technically needed to close the bridge from full open to passable position.
* {{@|technicalOpenTime}} - The time period which is technically needed to open the bridge from the passable to full open position.
* {{@|typicalNonPassableTime}} - The average time period the bridge is not usable by railway during the passage of a vessel. This time period starts from unlocking the bridge until it is locked again.
* {{tag|IL|designator}} -
* {{tag|IL|assetName}} -
* {{tag|IL|belongsToOperationalPoint}} - The reference to an {{tag|IS|operationalPoint}} the {{tag|IL|movableBridge}} belongs to from operational point of view.
* {{tag|IL|hasCommand}} - The reference to any predefined operator command, which can be used with this element.
* {{tag|IL|hasIndication}} - The reference to any predefined indication on HMI, which is used with this element.
* {{tag|IL|takesControlOf}} - The reference to any other railway element, which is controlled only by the status of this {{doc|IL|movableBridge}}.
* {{tag|IL|hasInterface}} - The reference to the physical interface definition needed for control this {{doc|IL|movableBridge}} from the related {{tag|IL|signalBox}}.
* {{tag|IL|refersTo}} - The reference to the physical {{tag|IS|underCrossing}} as defined in the infrastructure.
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
<rail3:movableBridge description="" elementNumber="0" id="" technicalClosingTime="P1D" technicalOpenTime="P1D" typicalNonPassableTime="P1D">
  <rail3:designator description="" entry="" register=""/>
  <rail3:assetName description="" language="EN" name=""/>
  <rail3:belongsToOperationalPoint ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasCommand entityCode="" ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasIndication entityCode="" ref=""/>
  <rail3:takesControlOf ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasInterface ref=""/>
  <rail3:refersTo ref=""/>
==={{Open issues}}===
==={{Open issues}}===

Revision as of 11:18, 27 May 2022




Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element IL:movableBridge of railML® version 3.2
Documentation The contained basculeBridge element
Subschema interlocking
Parents* movableBridges
Children assetName (0..*), belongsToOperationalPoint (0..1), designator (0..*), hasCommand (0..*), hasIndication (0..*), hasInterface (0..1), refersTo (0..1), takesControlOf (0..*)
  • technicalClosingTime: The time for the technical closing process of the bridge. (optional; xs:duration),

  • technicalOpenTime: The time needed for the opening process of the bridge. (optional; xs:duration),

  • typicalNonPassableTime: The typical time period the bridge is not passable during traversal of a vessel. (optional; xs:duration),

  • description: Description of the logic. (optional; xs:string),

  • elementNumber: element number for internal referencing in the engineering data (optional; xs:nonNegativeInteger),

  • id: unique identifier (obligatory; xs:string; patterns: (urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}}); compare: Dev:Identities
Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts.
Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further.
Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.


This element does not appear in railML® 3.1 within the IL subschema. It is available only in railML® 3.2. Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.

Changes 3.1→3.2

Introduced with version 3.2.


Best Practice / Examples

Additional Information


As <movableBridge> an <underCrossing> is seen, where a railway line is passed underneath by a waterway. This bridge is normally locked in the position for trains to run safely accross the bridge. But for the passing of a vessel the bridge needs to be moved out of the way. The particular construction of the moveable elements does not matter here as the drive for the bridge is normally outside of the railway control. Important is only the supervision and locking of the normal (closed) position. Therefore the <movableBridge> is modelled similar to <genericDetetcor> and <keyLockIL>.

  • @elementNumber - An positive integer number unique within one <signalBox> to index the lement in internal lists.
  • @id - The unique identifier used to reference this element within railML.
  • @technicalClosingTime - The time period which is technically needed to close the bridge from full open to passable position.
  • @technicalOpenTime - The time period which is technically needed to open the bridge from the passable to full open position.
  • @typicalNonPassableTime - The average time period the bridge is not usable by railway during the passage of a vessel. This time period starts from unlocking the bridge until it is locked again.
  • <designator> -
  • <assetName> -
  • <belongsToOperationalPoint> - The reference to an <operationalPoint> the <movableBridge> belongs to from operational point of view.
  • <hasCommand> - The reference to any predefined operator command, which can be used with this element.
  • <hasIndication> - The reference to any predefined indication on HMI, which is used with this element.
  • <takesControlOf> - The reference to any other railway element, which is controlled only by the status of this movableBridge.
  • <hasInterface> - The reference to the physical interface definition needed for control this movableBridge from the related <signalBox>.
  • <refersTo> - The reference to the physical <underCrossing> as defined in the infrastructure.
<rail3:movableBridge description="" elementNumber="0" id="" technicalClosingTime="P1D" technicalOpenTime="P1D" typicalNonPassableTime="P1D">
  <rail3:designator description="" entry="" register=""/>
  <rail3:assetName description="" language="EN" name=""/>
  <rail3:belongsToOperationalPoint ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasCommand entityCode="" ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasIndication entityCode="" ref=""/>
  <rail3:takesControlOf ref=""/>
  <rail3:hasInterface ref=""/>
  <rail3:refersTo ref=""/>

Open Issues