UC:Use cases

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Use cases

In this page you learn what is a use case and find a list of railML® use cases.

While the emphasis of the railML®-wiki lies in documenting single elements in a bottom-up approach, we also try to help users to capture the concepts of railML® via examples and use cases in a top down approach.

What is a use case?

A use case can be defined as a single task, performed by the end user of a system, that has some useful outcome*. It is described as a list of steps (actions or events) to achieve this outcome.

A use case in terms of railML® is an application of data exchange between at least two IT systems in the railway domain, where railML® can be used as a format and language for the data to be exchanged. The aim of the use case description is to formulate requirements on the technical implementation of the data exchange.

What distinguishes a use case from an example is, that examples will typically consist of pieces of railML®-code, whereas use cases will typically be formulated in natural language or Unified Modelling Language (UML). Examples are solutions to use cases.

railML® Use Cases

By category

CO Use CasesIL Use CasesIS Use CasesRS Use CasesTT Use Cases

List of active use cases

View/edit list on the separate source page USE CASES/TABLE

List of inactive use cases

If you want to reactivate your inactive use case, write a post on the forum. For more information about use cases you can also follow our UC guideline.

Directing Subschema
Involved Subschemas
Implemented in railML® version
Implemented in railML® version
Description (EN) Description (DE)
Reported by Status
how to interpret the status
Why is this UC on hold?
TT ? Automatic Route Setting (ARS)
Automatic Train Supervision (ATS)
Zuglenkung writer: Toshiba Corporation?;
reviewer: PSI Transcom
postponed Currently no demand
IL ? 7 Data prepration for signalling Datenbereitstellung für Stellwerkssysteme DPRS writer: EULYNX postponed EULYNX withdrew from development
TT ? Operational simulation timetable Betriebssimulation Fahrplan writer: Open Track Railway Technology?;
reviewer: SMA+Partner
postponed Currently no demand
IS 9 Railway Infrastructure Visualisation Visualisierung von Schieneninfrastruktur ISVI postponed Only outdated version available
IL IS 5 Site preparation data for Signal Controlled Warning Systems Daten zur Standortvorbereitung für Rottenwarnsysteme SCWS writer: Thales Austria postponed Currently no demand

How to interpret the status

  Status Description participation
railML® community
reporting party
railML® scheme coordinator
railML® governance board
railML® scheme development group
pre development
planned the use case is planned, but there is no draft available by now; usually there will be no article about this use case in the wiki; Sometimes some basic ideas will be published ×
draft a user has submitted a draft. Usually there will exist an article about the use case where you find the draft
consolidated the draft has been reviewed and accepted by the scheme coordinator × × ×
development phase
requirements the development phase begins with an assessment, if and how the railML® schema has to be refined as to depict the use case × ×
model the requirements of this use case have been implemented into the current railML® schema ×
finished the use case has been completely implemented, documented and released ×
postponed if an unfinished use case is not being barried further for several months, it will be listed as postponed
×=participates — ☒=is responsible

How to contribute a use case

Generally speaking, contributions to railML® and this wiki are appreciated. For contributing use cases, please follow our UC guideline.
