See linear positioning system in the RailTopoModel® Wiki.
Linear positioning systems work in one dimension. They are a typical way to specifiy the location of an entity on a railway. The one given coordinate for an entity in a linear positioning system positions the entity following the layout of the track.
anchor (0..*), isValid (1..*), name (0..*)
- endMeasure: last value in the direction on mileage of the line (at its end) associated with the enclosing linear positioning system (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- linearReferencingMethod: specifies a way of how the coordinates were determined (obligatory;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- absolute: mileage i.e. distance from beginning of a line
- interpolation: determine location by interpolating between two known locations along a route.
- relative: relative to some point on a line, not a beginning of a line,
- startMeasure: first value in the direction on mileage of the line (at its beginning) associated with the enclosing linear positioning system (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- units: use SI units (e.g. metres) whenever possible (obligatory;
xs:string ; patterns: other:w{2,}; consider Dev:UsingAny too.)
- Possible values:
- id: the identifier of the object; this can be either of type xs:ID or UUID (obligatory;
xs:ID ); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this Wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
Localization expressed in a linear reference system, generally a coordinate along a predefined axis.
anchor (0..*), isValid (1..*), name (0..*)
- endMeasure: last value in the direction on mileage of the line (at its end) associated with the enclosing linear positioning system (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- linearReferencingMethod: specifies a way of how the coordinates were determined (obligatory;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- absolute: mileage i.e. distance from beginning of a line
- interpolation: determine location by interpolating between two known locations along a route.
- relative: relative to some point on a line, not a beginning of a line,
- startMeasure: first value in the direction on mileage of the line (at its beginning) associated with the enclosing linear positioning system (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- units: use SI units (e.g. metres) whenever possible (obligatory;
xs:string ),
- id: the identifier of the object; this can be either of type xs:ID or UUID (obligatory;
xs:string ; patterns: (urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}}); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this Wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
This element is not documented in the schema!
anchor (0..*), isValid (1..*), name (0..*)
- linearReferencingMethod: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (obligatory;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- interpolation
- relative
- absolute,
- startMeasure: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- endMeasure: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (obligatory;
xs:double ),
- units: use SI units (e.g. metres) whenever possible (obligatory;
xs:string ),
- id: the identifier of the object; this can be either of type xs:ID or UUID (obligatory;
xs:ID ; patterns: (urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}}); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this Wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
Changes 3.1→3.2
There exists an overview of all changes between railML® 3.1 and railML® 3.2 on page Dev:Changes/3.2.
The element documentation has been changed.
The parents have been changed.
The children have been changed.
The attributes have been changed.
Changes 3.2→3.3
There exists an overview of all changes between railML® 3.2 and railML® 3.3 on page Dev:Changes/3.3.
The element documentation has been changed.
The parents have been changed.
The children have been changed.
The attributes have been changed.
Best Practice / Examples
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