Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element IL:powerSupplyIL of railML ® version 3.3
specific features of power supply used for interlocking
belongsToInfrastructureManager (0..1), belongsToOperationalPoint (0..1), designator (0..*), elementState (0..*), hasCommand (0..*), hasIndication (0..*), hasModeIndicator (0..1), hasName (0..*)
- numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators: maximum number of switch actuators that can be activated simultaneously with this power supply (optional;
xs:nonNegativeInteger ),
- signalVoltageMode: normal mode of switching signal voltage for day and night voltage (optional;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- automatic: the switchover between the signal voltage levels (day/night) is done automatically
- manual: the switchover between the signal voltage levels (day/night) is done manually
- nightOnly: the signal voltage level is kept on night voltage
- none: no steering of signal voltage levels,
- elementNumber: element number of the asset for internal reference in engineering data (optional;
xs:nonNegativeInteger ),
- model: The model name of the asset from the supplier. (optional;
xs:string ),
- softwareVersion: The software version of the asset itself. (optional;
xs:string ),
- id: the identifier of the object; this can be either of type xs:ID or UUID (obligatory;
xs:ID ); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element IL:powerSupplyIL of railML ® version 3.2
specific features of power supply used for interlocking
belongsToInfrastructureManager (0..1), belongsToOperationalPoint (0..1), designator (0..*), hasCommand (0..*), hasIndication (0..*), hasModeIndicator (0..1), hasName (0..*)
- numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators: maximum number of switch actuators that can be activated simultaneously with this power supply (optional;
xs:nonNegativeInteger ),
- signalVoltageMode: normal mode of switching signal voltage for day and night voltage (optional;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- automatic: the switchover between the signal voltage levels (day/night) is done automatically
- manual: the switchover between the signal voltage levels (day/night) is done manually
- nightOnly: the signal voltage level is kept on night voltage
- none: no steering of signal voltage levels,
- elementNumber: element number of the asset for internal reference in engineering data (optional;
xs:nonNegativeInteger ),
- model: The model name of the asset from the supplier. (optional;
xs:string ),
- softwareVersion: The software version of the asset itself. (optional;
xs:string ),
- id: unique identifier (obligatory;
xs:string ; patterns: (urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}}); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element IL:powerSupplyIL of railML ® version 3.1
specific features of power supply used for interlocking
any (0..*), designator (0..1)
- numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators: maximum number of switch actuators that can be activated simultaneously with this power supply (optional;
xs:nonNegativeInteger ),
- signalVoltageMode: mode of switching signal voltage for day and night voltage (optional;
xs:string )
- Possible values:
- none
- nightOnly
- manual
- automatic,
- id: unique identifier (optional;
xs:ID ; patterns: (urn:uuid:)?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}|{[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}}); compare: Dev:Identities
*Notice: Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts. Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further. Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.
Changes 3.1→3.2
There exists an overview of all changes between railML® 3.1 and railML® 3.2 on page Dev:Changes/3.2.
The parents have been changed.
The children have been changed.
The attributes have been changed.
Changes 3.2→3.3
There exists an overview of all changes between railML® 3.2 and railML® 3.3 on page Dev:Changes/3.3.
The parents have been changed.
The children have been changed.
The attributes have been changed.
Best Practice / Examples
The power supply provides electrical power for the control and the field elements. It might be located at the signal box, or close to the particular field elements like signals or switches, it is connected to. The detailed features like overall power or voltage levels are very specific for the manufacturer and installed location. They are not included in railML®.
The information of interest with respect to interlocking are these elements and attributes:
- <assetName> - A collection of information containing language-specific naming of the asset, including the following attributes
- @name – The name of the asset in the related language.
- @description – The additional optional description for the asset.
- @language – The identification of the natural language applicable for the name. The values have to comply with instructions in (external link).
- <belongsToOperationalPoint> - The reference to the station or operational point the asset is related to.
- <hasModeIndicator> - The reference to a station indicator used to show the power supply mode, i.e. day or night signal voltage.
- @assetNumber – A non-negative integer value used by the interlocking to address the asset.
- @numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators – This is the maximum number of switch actuators activated simultaneously with this power supply. If more switch actuators connected to this power supply are commanded for switching, the interlocking will stagger their operation to avoid overload of the power supply.
- @signalVoltageMode – This gives the mode of switching signal voltage for day and night voltage. The values can be:
- automatic – The switching of the signal voltage is done automatically according to input from the daylight detector.
- manual – The switching of the signal voltage is done by manual operator command.
- nightOnly – The signal voltage is always kept on night voltage level as necessary for tunnel signals.
- none – The system does not know about any daylight-dependent voltage adjustments.
The example below shows the instance of a power supply capable to activate four switch actuators at once and automatically changing the signal voltage between day and night value.
<powerSupplyIL id="ups01" numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators="2" signalVoltageMode="automatic">
<designator register="_SimpleRegister" entry="UPS-ARN01"/>
Additional Information
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