Dev:Special Wiki Markup
Generic documentation links for railML elements
The following templates may be used at every Wiki page for referring to a certain railML® element documentation page.
Link in angle brackets
The link is shown in angle brackets: <...>
. It looks like an XML element.
Please, employ Template:Tag:
- Elements without parent inheritance
results in <fourQuadrantChopper> - Elements with parent inheritance
results in <additionalName>
Pure link
The link is shown pure without any characters around. This is better for reading a text flow.
Please, employ Template:Doc.
- Elements without parent inheritance
results in fourQuadrantChopper - Elements with parent inheritance
results in additionalName
Generic links for types
The following templates may be used at every Wiki page for refering to a certain simple type constraint.
railML types
It shows a link to the basic W3C XML schema type W3C XML schema type re-used by railML for a certain reason. It does not cover complex types or enumeration lists.
example: {{RailMLType|tGenericRef}}
results in xs:IDREF
Pure XML Schema types
It shows a link to the basic W3C XML schema type W3C XML schema type.
example: {{XsdType|string}}
results in xs:string
Version management
The current Wiki does not support version management itself. That's the reason for the templates explained in the following sections.
New objects
In railML® 2, if new objects are introduced with some official version number, use the following template for showing it:
{{Intro | <version-number>}}
example: {{Intro | 2.1}}
results in (introduced with version 2.1)
There is no difference in handling between elements, attributes, enumeration values, occurence changes...
In railML® 3, the template will generally not be used, as the differences between versions should be apparent from the automatic pages.
Deprecated objects
Vice versa, if objects are declared "deprecated" in railML® 2, they are kept until the next major release.
{{Depr | <version-number>}}
example: {{Depr | 2.1}}
results in (deprecated with version 2.1)
There is no difference in handling between elements, attributes, enumeration values, occurence changes...
The following template may be used at every Wiki page for a corporate layout for attributes:
{{Attr | <attribute-name>}}
example: {{Attr | axleSequence}}
results in axleSequence
Enumeration values
The following template may be used at every Wiki page for a corporate layout for enumeration values:
{{Enum | <enumeration-value>}}
example: {{Enum | mechanical}}
results in mechanical
German layout (de: Deutsche Auszeichnung)
It's a good practice to translate some paragraphs and/or words into German since there are many German railML users. In order to offer a flexible layout, please use the following template:
{{Deu | <deutscher-text>}}
example: {{Deu | Deutsche Erläuterung}}
results in Deutsche Erläuterung
Please, use Template:rml for displaying the railML® logo. {{rml}} produces railML®. It is consens, that the initial letter r should allways be written small, and that the superscript ® should always be displayed. Both is granted for by the template. Don't use the superscript ® in URLs — such links cannot be processed! Instead, use railML in the URL and employ the vertical bar | to display an appropriate link text, e.g. [[Dev:How to join, edit and create the railML Wiki|How to join, edit and create the {{rml}} Wiki]] for How to join, edit and create the railML® Wiki.