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Timetable Information
Subschema: Timetable and Rostering
Related subschemas: IS RS 
Reported by: SMA
Stift.png (version(s) not yet specified)
For general information on use cases see UC:Use cases

Use case / Anwendungsfall

Slot Ordering ; Trassenbestellung

Description / Beschreibung

This use case covers the ordering of slots by Railway Undertakings from Infrastructure Manager(s) and other managers of capacity. A related use case will be the slot offer by the Infrastructure Manager.

Characterizing Data / Charakterisierung der Daten

The data has to be provided by the Railway Undertaking to the relevant Infrastructure Managers.

Interference with other railML® schemas / Interferenz mit anderen railML®-Schemen

Characterizing Data / Charakterisierung der Daten

This section serves to specify the required data regarding certain aspects.

How often do the data change (update)?

  • yearly for VLTP planning of frame contracts
  • yearly for LTP planning the regular timetable
  • regular changes for STP planning, e.g. for engineering infrastructure works, special event trains
  • daily for VSTP planning, e.g. strike, ad hoc freight trains

How big are the data fragments to be exchanged (complexity)?

  • Typically one train per order
  • Maximum complexity is full timetable

Which views are represented by the data (focus)?

  • Could be any of VLTP, LTP, STP, VSTP
  • Covers the full train information, but for certain time periods

Which specific TT data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

  • Workflow information
    • Not part of the timetable data
  • Trains
    • Identifier, e.g. <train>.trainNumber
  • Operating periods
  • Train run <trainPart>
    • Earliest arrival
    • Latest arrival
    • Earliest departure
    • Latest departure
    • Minimum stop time
    • Stop type, stop description
    • Commercial connections
  • Infrastructure <ocpTT>
    • Ordered stops
  • Rolling stock <formationTT>
    • Loco types
    • Weight
    • Length
    • Maximum speed
    • Infrastructure restrictions

Which specific IS data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

As a minimum the <ocpTT> elements with commercially relevant stops have to be listed in a <trainPart>. The <infrastructure> has to provide the related <ocp> elements.

Which specific RS data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

There is no mandatory requirement for detailed <vehicle> information. The loco types may be used to identify performance characteristics and infrastructure restrictions by the Infrastructure Manager.

Terms and Expressions

  • VLTP =very long term planning (>2 years)
  • LTP = long term planning: the yearly timetable(s)
  • STP = short term planning: < 1 year before operation
  • VSTP = very short term planning: few days before operation