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[[File:2025-02-01 railML roadSideLights.png|thumb|Draft]]
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Latest revision as of 17:59, 1 February 2025




Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element IS:roadSideLights of railML® version 3.3
Documentation Provides detail information about the installed lights
Subschema infrastructure



areaLocation (0..*), gmlLocation (0..*), isValid (0..*), linearLocation (0..*), name (0..*), networkLocation (0..*), spotLocation (0..*)

  • roadSide: Indicates on which side of the road the light/barrier is installed. (optional; xs:string)
Possible values:
  • left: the railway vehicle will be derailed to the left side in reference to the application direction of the derailer
  • right: the railway vehicle will be derailed to the left side in reference to the application direction of the derailer,

  • id: the identifier of the object; this can be either of type xs:ID or UUID (obligatory; xs:ID); compare: Dev:Identities
Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts.
Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further.
Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.


This element does not appear in railML® 3.2 within the IS subschema. It is available only in railML® . Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.

This element does not appear in railML® 3.1 within the IS subschema. It is available only in railML® . Do not hesitate to contact for further questions.

Changes 3.2→3.3

There exists an overview of all changes between railML® 3.2 and railML® 3.3 on page Dev:Changes/3.3.

Introduced with version 3.3.


Best Practice / Examples



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<railML xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="3.1">
	<common id="co_01">
				<linearPositioningSystem id="lps01" units="metres" startMeasure="0.0" endMeasure="5000.0" linearReferencingMethod="absolute">
					<isValid from="2024-01-01" to="2024-12-31"/>
	<infrastructure id="is_01">
				<netElement id="ne_01">
					<associatedPositioningSystem id="ne_01_aps01" positioningSystemRef="lps01">
						<intrinsicCoordinate id="ne_01_aps01_ic01" intrinsicCoord="0">
							<linearCoordinate measure="0.0"/>
				<network id="nw01">
					<level id="lv0" descriptionLevel="Micro">
						<networkResource ref="ne_01"/>
				<levelCrossingIS id="lcr01" belongsToParent="lcr03">
					<name language="NO" name="Bomma plo"/>
					<linearLocation id="ll_01">
						<associatedNetElement netElementRef="ne_01">
							<linearCoordinateBegin measure="999.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>
							<linearCoordinateEnd measure="1009.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>
					<crossesElement id="cross_01" type="road"/>
					<protection barriers="doubleHalfBarrier" lights="flashing">
						<roadSideLights id=" lcrblgt01" roadSide="right">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 1"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrlgt01_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="999.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="left"/>
						<roadSideLights id="lcrblgt03" roadSide="left">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 3"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrlgt03_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="1009.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="left"/>
						<roadSideLights id="lcrblgt06" roadSide="left">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 6"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrlgt06_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="999.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="right"/>
						<roadSideLights id="lcrblgt04" roadSide="right">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 4"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrblgt04a_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="1009.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="right"/>

				<levelCrossingIS id="lcr011" belongsToParent="lcr03">
					<linearLocation id="ll_02">
						<associatedNetElement netElementRef="ne_01">
							<linearCoordinateBegin measure="1011.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>
							<linearCoordinateEnd measure="1017.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>
					<crossesElement id="cross_02" type="footway"/>
					<protection barriers="singleFullBarrier" lights="flashing">
						<roadSideLights id=" lcrlgt05" roadSide="left">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 5"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrlgt05_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="1017.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="left"/>
						<roadSideLights id="lcrlgt02" roadSide="right">
							<name language=" NO" name="Vei 2"/>
							<spotLocation id="lcrlgt02_sloc01" applicationDirection="both" netElementRef="ne_01">
								<linearCoordinate measure="1017.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01" lateralSide="right"/>
				<levelCrossingIS id="lcr03">
					<linearLocation id="ll_32">
						<associatedNetElement netElementRef="ne_01">
							<linearCoordinateBegin measure="999.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>
							<linearCoordinateEnd measure="1017.0" positioningSystemRef="lps01"/>

Additional Information


Open Issues