Dev:UML: Difference between revisions

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(Neues URL-Schema)
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|[{{uml|CO|3.1}} 3.1]
|[{{uml|IL|3.1}} 3.1]
|[{{uml|IS|3.1}} 3.1]
|[{{uml|RTM|3.1}} 3.1]
|[{{uml|GML|3.1}} 3.1]

Revision as of 17:03, 23 November 2020

Unified Modelling Language – UML
railML® 3 is modelled in the Unified Modelling Language (Wiki banner.png) (UML). To give you a comprehension of the underlying model, we provide a representation on our website, ordered by subschema and version:

Subschema railML®-version
Common 3.1
Interlocking 3.1
Infrastructure 3.1
RailTopoModel 3.1
GML 3.1