
Header Image
VehicleKeeperRS : Public <<XSDcomplexType>> Class
Created: 19/02/2022 07:49:11
Modified: 30/10/2024 16:09:01
The reference to the organisationalUnit, which is responsible for any legal issues related to the vehicle in representation of the owner. The designator contains any register ID as per the keeper. The name is mainly a marketing name of the vehicle from the keeper.<br/>
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Tag Value
mixed false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Determines whether this element may contain mixed element and character content.  Refer to the W3C XML Schema recommendation
modelGroup sequence
Values: all | sequence | choice
Default: sequence
Description: Overrides the package-level default model group
nillable false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: As defined by XML Schema specification
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«XSDcomplexType» VehicleAdministration Class Generalization To  
«XSDcomplexType» AdministrativeData Class Dependency From