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TrainEngine : Public <<XSDcomplexType>> Class
Created: 29/11/2020 14:50:23
Modified: 30/10/2024 16:09:01
These are the overall data of the traction system within the complete formation in a particular traction mode.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
maxAcceleration Public tAccelerationMeterPerSquareSec
Notes: The maximum acceleration in metre per square second possible with the traction system of the formation in the named traction mode.<br/>
meanAcceleration Public tAccelerationMeterPerSquareSec
Notes: The mean acceleration in metre per square second possible with the traction system of the formation in the named traction mode.<br/>
minTimeHoldSpeed Public duration
Notes: This is the minimum time a train shall be able to maintain its speed after acceleration before it must brake otherwise no acceleration is allowed. This feature is used by some railways and only applies for punctual trains, e.g. traveling over 40 km/h. This rule gives a more energy efficient and passenger comfortable driving style.<br/>
tractionMode Public TractionMode
Notes: The particular traction mode of the system within the complete formation, where these data are valid.<br/>
Tag Value
mixed false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: Determines whether this element may contain mixed element and character content.  Refer to the W3C XML Schema recommendation
modelGroup sequence
Values: all | sequence | choice
Default: sequence
Description: Overrides the package-level default model group
nillable false
Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: As defined by XML Schema specification
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«XSDcomplexType» Formation Class Dependency From  
«XSDcomplexType» TractionMode Class Dependency To  
«XSDcomplexType» BasicEntityRS Class Generalization To