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tHorizontalCurveType : Public Enumeration
Created: 24/03/2016 20:49:21
Modified: 02/05/2022 15:07:56
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Attribute Scope Type
arc Public
Notes: An arc has a constant radius that is not infinite and not zero.<br/>
clothoide Public
Notes: a curve whose curvature changes linearly with its curve length [Wikipedia]<br/>
cosinusoide Public
Notes: Curve representing the trigonometric function cosine<br/>
cubicParabola Public
Notes: curve based on a cubic formula (y = ax^3 + bx^3 + c)<br/>
curveBloss Public
Notes: S-shaped transition curve<br/>
curveWiener Public
Notes: A patented type of curve that combines the 2d aspects with the 3d parts (elevation)<br/>
doucine Public
Notes: in France a short non-linear transition applied at the ends, smoothing the curvature variation [Bloss transition - a short design guide Constantin Ciobanu]<br/>
sinusoide Public
Notes: a curve description based on the sinus function<br/>
straight Public
Notes: A straight curve has a constant radius that is infinite.<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
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