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tBufferStopType : Public Enumeration
Created: 21/09/2017 14:09:17
Modified: 02/05/2022 15:07:56
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Attribute Scope Type
brakingBufferStop Public
Notes: Brake buffer stops can absorb significantly higher energies than all types of fixed buffer stops. They are usually attached to the running rails and, if necessary, additional rails with special clamps that are clamped together with screws. These clamps generate high friction and can, for example, brake a train with a mass of 850 tons from 15 km/h to a standstill in seven meters without damaging the vehicles. If higher masses or speeds are to be expected, a brake buffer stop is also equipped with drag sleepers [German Wikipedia].<br/>
fixedBufferStop Public
Notes: A fixed buffer stop is firmly anchored in the ground or on the rails, in this case usually through rail holes. If starting speeds of more than 5 km/h are expected, damping systems, usually based on hydraulics, are installed to absorb the residual energy [German Wikipedia].<br/>
headRamp Public
Notes: a combination of a buffer stop with loading ramp which serves two purposes<br/>
sleeperCross Public
Notes: a device for temporarily blocking a track with a ballasted superstructure that is no longer accessible due to closure, construction work or similar [German Wikipedia].<br/>
Property Value
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
string Class Generalization To  
«XSDunion» tBufferStopTypeExt Class Generalization From