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Introduced Elements
Introduced Common Elements
Introduced Generic Elements
- Generic:connector
- Generic:driverMessage
- Generic:element
- Generic:exceedsOrEqualsAxleLoad
- Generic:isLimitedBy
- Generic:isSupportingTilting
- Generic:isValid
- Generic:load
- Generic:loadSpecification
- Generic:responsibilityInfo
- Generic:tilting
- Generic:times
- Generic:times:period
- Generic:typeDesignator
- Generic:validity
- Generic:validity:period
Introduced Interlocking Elements
- IL:allowsAspect
- IL:dangerArea
- IL:dangerAreas
- IL:emergencyStopArea
- IL:emergencyStopAreas
- IL:evaluatesSignalIndicatorLamp
- IL:evaluatesSignalLamp
- IL:hasLamp
- IL:hasRouteReleaseTrigger
- IL:hasRouteStatusIndicator
- IL:hasSignalLamp
- IL:linesideElectronicUnitIL
- IL:linesideElectronicUnitsIL
- IL:objectController
- IL:objectControllers
- IL:refersToIndicator
- IL:usesLamp
Introduced Infrastructure Elements
- IS:announcedByBaliseGroup
- IS:connectedToBalise
- IS:connectedToBaliseGroup
- IS:connectedToEuroloop
- IS:gmlLocation
- IS:isEuroLoop
- IS:isLevelTransitionSignal
- IS:linesideElectronicUnitIS
- IS:linesideElectronicUnitsIS
- IS:loop
- IS:loops
- IS:netConnector
- IS:netConnectorRelation
- IS:netConnectorRelations
- IS:netConnectors
- IS:resistanceFactor
- IS:roadSideBarriers
- IS:roadSideLights
- IS:tunnelResistance
Introduced Rollingstock Elements
Introduced Rtm4railml Elements
Introduced Timetable Elements
- TT:additionalRunTime
- TT:areas
- TT:baseItineraryPoint:trackRef
- TT:block
- TT:blockConnection
- TT:blockConnections
- TT:blocks
- TT:capacityIsReduced
- TT:cleaning
- TT:commercialConnection:connector
- TT:commercialConnection:feeder
- TT:condition
- TT:currentLimitation
- TT:electrificationUnavailable
- TT:endLocation
- TT:equipmentInformation
- TT:etcsInfo
- TT:identifiers:identifier
- TT:indicatedByBalise
- TT:indicatedByBoard
- TT:indicatedByDriversTimetable
- TT:inspection
- TT:isCrewDependency
- TT:isTripDependency
- TT:itineraryRef
- TT:loading
- TT:location
- TT:maintenance
- TT:movementSketch
- TT:opRef
- TT:opRef:trackRef
- TT:operationalConnection
- TT:operationalConnection:connector
- TT:operationalConnection:feeder
- TT:operationalConnections
- TT:operationalPointSequence
- TT:operationalTrainReference
- TT:operationalTrainVariant:identifiers
- TT:operations
- TT:overridingMaxSpeed
- TT:parking
- TT:pass:times
- TT:passingTime
- TT:preHeating
- TT:refueling
- TT:responsibleOrganizationalUnit
- TT:restrictedPath
- TT:restriction
- TT:shunting
- TT:shutDown
- TT:standBy
- TT:startLocation
- TT:startUp
- TT:stop:times
- TT:successor
- TT:temporaryRestrictionArea
- TT:temporaryRestrictionArea:validity
- TT:temporaryRestrictionAreaRef
- TT:temporaryRestrictionOperation
- TT:temporaryRestrictions
- TT:trackIsClosed
- TT:trackRef:range
- TT:trackRefs:trackRef
- TT:trackSequence
- TT:trackSequence:trackRef
- TT:trainSectionPartRef
- TT:trainSketch
- TT:trainSketch:identifiers
- TT:validities:validity
- TT:vehicleRostering
- TT:vehicleRosterings
Introduced Visualizations Elements
Introduced Elements without schema assignment
Removed Elements
Please, recognize, that the Element might have been moved to another subschema.
- CO:concessionaire
- CO:contractor
- CO:customer
- CO:infrastructureManager
- CO:load
- CO:operationalUndertaking
- CO:powerMode
- CO:railwayUndertaking
- CO:tilting
- CO:tractionMode
- CO:vehicleManufacturer
- CO:vehicleOperator
- Generic:belongsToRadioBlockCentre
- Generic:containedSituation
- Generic:dateSet
- Generic:elementBasedPeriodRule
- Generic:external
- Generic:genericOperatingPeriod
- Generic:operatingDay
- Generic:periodGeneric
- Generic:periodRule
- Generic:periodRule:period
- Generic:publicHolidayPeriodRule
- Generic:relation
- Generic:validityTime
- Generic:validityTime:period
- IS:elementState
- IS:gmlLocations
- IS:infrastructureState
- IS:infrastructureStates
- IS:isLimitedBy
- IS:typeDesignator
- RS:brakeEffort
- RS:columnHeader
- RS:constantValue
- RS:polynomialHeader
- RS:segmentStartLine
- RS:segmentTable
- RS:tractiveEffort
- RS:value
- RS:valueLine
- RS:valueTable
- RTM:geometricCoordinate
- RTM:linearCoordinate
- RTM:networkResource
- TT:activityCrewDependency
- TT:activityTripDependency
- TT:connector
- TT:feeder
- TT:identifier
- TT:identifiers
- TT:times
- TT:trackRef
- TT:validity
- XS:any
Changed Elements
Elements with changed documentation
- CO:braking
- CO:isConcessionaire
- CO:metadata
- CO:positioning
- CO:screenPositioningSystem
- CO:speedProfile
- Generic:designator
- Generic:name
- Generic:trackBegin
- Generic:trackEnd
- IL:connectedSystemAsset
- IL:controlsTrackAsset
- IL:derailerIL
- IL:hasIndication
- IL:hasIndicator
- IL:hasRepeater
- IL:movableBridge
- IL:movableCrossing
- IL:showsAspect
- IL:signalIndicator
- IL:switchIL
- IL:trackIL
- IL:tunnelGateIL
- IL:tvdSection
- IS:electrificationSection
- IS:genericLocations
- IS:geometryPoint
- IS:gradientCurve
- IS:horizontalCurve
- IS:location
- IS:netTravelPath
- IS:netTravelPaths
- IS:tunnelGatesIS
- RS:engine
- RS:trainResistance
- RTM:elementCollectionOrdered
- RTM:elementCollectionUnordered
- RTM:geometricPositioningSystem
- RTM:linearPositioningSystem
- TT:commercialConnections
- TT:itinerary
- TT:rule
Elements with changed parents
- CO:isConcessionaire
- CO:isContractor
- CO:isCustomer
- CO:isInfrastructureManager
- CO:isOperationalUndertaking
- CO:isRailwayUndertaking
- CO:isVehicleManufacturer
- CO:isVehicleOperator
- CO:isVehicleOwner
- Generic:assetName
- Generic:bitmaskValidity
- Generic:designator
- Generic:elementPart
- Generic:hasName
- Generic:name
- Generic:periodBitmask
- Generic:weekDayPeriod
- IL:belongsToInfrastructureManager
- IL:belongsToOperationalPoint
- IL:controlsTrackAsset
- IL:detectorInState
- IL:hasCommand
- IL:hasCommunicationSettings
- IL:hasIndication
- IL:isLimitedBy
- IL:keyLockInState
- IL:levelCrossingInState
- IL:refersTo
- IL:signalWithAspect
- IL:trackAssetInArea
- IS:length
- IS:lineString
- IS:networkLocation
- IS:point
- RTM:areaLocation
- RTM:isValid
- RTM:linearLocation
- RTM:spotLocation
- TT:arrival
- TT:commercialTrainReference
- TT:departure
- TT:externalTrainReference
- TT:operatingDayValidity
- TT:previousActivities
Elements with changed children
- CO:common
- CO:electrificationSystem
- CO:organizationalUnit
- CO:organizationalUnits
- CO:project
- CO:speedProfile
- Generic:periodBitmask
- Generic:weekDayPeriod
- IL:aspectRelatedDelay
- IL:aspectRelation
- IL:assetsForInterlocking
- IL:combinedRoute
- IL:conflictingRoute
- IL:controller
- IL:controlsInterface
- IL:crossingInPosition
- IL:dangerPoint
- IL:derailerIL
- IL:derailerInPosition
- IL:destinationPoint
- IL:detectorInState
- IL:distantAspect
- IL:endOfTrack
- IL:genericDetector
- IL:hasAspect
- IL:hasDetectorTypes
- IL:hasElementGroupType
- IL:hasHmiIndication
- IL:hasLevelCrossingType
- IL:hasOperatorCommand
- IL:hasRouteType
- IL:hasTVDresetStrategy
- IL:implementsElementGroup
- IL:interface
- IL:interlocking
- IL:key
- IL:keyLockIL
- IL:keyLockInState
- IL:levelCrossingIL
- IL:levelCrossingInState
- IL:localOperationArea
- IL:masterAspect
- IL:movableBridge
- IL:movableCrossing
- IL:overlap
- IL:overlapRelease
- IL:permissionZone
- IL:powerSupplyIL
- IL:radioBlockCentre
- IL:relatedSignalAndAspect
- IL:route
- IL:routeActivationSection
- IL:routeEntry
- IL:routeExit
- IL:routeRelation
- IL:routeReleaseGroupAhead
- IL:routeReleaseGroupRear
- IL:routeSequence
- IL:routeStatusIndicator
- IL:shuntingZone
- IL:signalBox
- IL:signalIL
- IL:signalIndicator
- IL:signalWithAspect
- IL:slaveAspect
- IL:specificInfrastructureManager
- IL:stationIndicator
- IL:switchIL
- IL:switchInPosition
- IL:trackIL
- IL:trainNumberField
- IL:tunnelGateIL
- IL:tvdSection
- IL:usesTypes
- IL:workZone
- IS:balise
- IS:baliseGroup
- IS:balises
- IS:border
- IS:bufferStop
- IS:crossing
- IS:derailerIS
- IS:detector
- IS:electrificationSection
- IS:etcsArea
- IS:etcsLevelTransition
- IS:functionalInfrastructure
- IS:genericArea
- IS:geometryPoint
- IS:gradientCurve
- IS:horizontalCurve
- IS:infrastructure
- IS:keyLockIS
- IS:levelCrossingIS
- IS:line
- IS:lineString
- IS:loadingGauge
- IS:mileageChange
- IS:netElement
- IS:network
- IS:operationalPoint
- IS:overCrossing
- IS:platform
- IS:platformEdge
- IS:protection
- IS:radioBlockCentreBorder
- IS:restrictionArea
- IS:serviceSection
- IS:shape
- IS:signalIS
- IS:speedSection
- IS:stoppingPlace
- IS:switchIS
- IS:topology
- IS:track
- IS:trackBed
- IS:trackGauge
- IS:trainDetectionElement
- IS:trainDetectionElements
- IS:trainProtectionElement
- IS:trainProtectionElements
- IS:trainRadio
- IS:tunnelGateIS
- IS:underCrossing
- IS:weightLimit
- RS:brakes
- RS:engine
- RS:formation
- RS:trainEngine
- RS:trainResistance
- RS:vehicle
- RS:vehiclePart
- RTM:associatedNetElement
- RTM:elementCollectionOrdered
- RTM:intrinsicCoordinate
- RTM:linearLocation
- RTM:spotLocation
- TT:baseItineraryPoint
- TT:commercialConnection
- TT:operationalTrainSectionPart
- TT:operationalTrainVariant
- TT:pass
- TT:timetable
- TT:trackRefs
- TT:validities
Elements with changed attributes
- CO:alternative
- CO:approvedBy
- CO:checkedBy
- CO:common
- CO:electrificationSystem
- CO:organizationalUnit
- CO:phase
- CO:project
- CO:revisedBy
- CO:revision
- CO:screenPositioningSystem
- CO:speedProfile
- CO:timePeriod
- CO:trainType
- Generic:allowedLoadingGauge
- Generic:allowedWeight
- Generic:allowedWeightLimit
- Generic:allowsUsageOfPlatformEdge
- Generic:beginsInGeometryPoint
- Generic:beginsInOP
- Generic:belongsToParent
- Generic:bitmaskValidity
- Generic:connectedToLine
- Generic:connectedWithBaliseGroup
- Generic:designator
- Generic:electrificationSystemRef
- Generic:elementA
- Generic:elementB
- Generic:elementPart
- Generic:endsInGeometryPoint
- Generic:endsInOP
- Generic:infrastructureManagerRef
- Generic:limitedByBorder
- Generic:limitsTrainDetectionElement
- Generic:linkedSpeedSection
- Generic:linkedWith
- Generic:markedByInfrastructureElement
- Generic:networkResource
- Generic:objectRevised
- Generic:ownsInfrastructureElement
- Generic:ownsPlatform
- Generic:ownsPlatformEdge
- Generic:ownsServiceSection
- Generic:ownsSignal
- Generic:ownsStoppingPlace
- Generic:ownsTrack
- Generic:passengerFacilities
- Generic:periodBitmask
- Generic:primaryInStack
- Generic:projectArea
- Generic:protectedByBaliseGroup
- Generic:refersToBeginOfSpeedSection
- Generic:refersToElectrificationSection
- Generic:refersToEndOfSpeedSection
- Generic:refersToLevelCrossing
- Generic:refersToLine
- Generic:refersToStoppingPlace
- Generic:refersToTrainRadioSection
- Generic:timePeriodRef
- Generic:timetableScenarioRef
- Generic:trackBegin
- Generic:trackEnd
- Generic:trainBrakes
- Generic:validForSpeedProfile
- Generic:vehicleBrakes
- Generic:weekDayPeriod
- Generic:weekPattern
- IL:acceptsKey
- IL:activationLock
- IL:activationSection
- IL:activeForApproachRoute
- IL:additionalRelation
- IL:appliesToRoute
- IL:aspectRelation
- IL:assetsForInterlocking
- IL:belongsToInfrastructureManager
- IL:belongsToOperationalPoint
- IL:branchDownLeft
- IL:branchDownRight
- IL:branchLeft
- IL:branchRight
- IL:branchTip
- IL:branchUpLeft
- IL:branchUpRight
- IL:canBeControlledBy
- IL:combinedRoute
- IL:comboEntry
- IL:comboExit
- IL:conflictingRoute
- IL:conflictsWithRoute
- IL:connectedSignalBox
- IL:connectedSystemAsset
- IL:connectedToPowerSupply
- IL:connectedToRadioBlockCentre
- IL:connectedTrackAsset
- IL:containedTrackAssets
- IL:containsRoute
- IL:controlledBy
- IL:controlledElement
- IL:controller
- IL:controlsCombinedRoute
- IL:controlsInterface
- IL:controlsRoute
- IL:crossingInPosition
- IL:dangerPoint
- IL:deactivationKey
- IL:delayBySwitchPosition
- IL:derailerIL
- IL:derailerInPosition
- IL:destinationPoint
- IL:detectorInState
- IL:detectorType
- IL:endOfTrack
- IL:facingSwitchInPosition
- IL:firstRemoteTvdSection
- IL:genericDetector
- IL:groupType
- IL:handlesRouteType
- IL:hasAspect
- IL:hasCommand
- IL:hasCommunicationSettings
- IL:hasConflictingRoutes
- IL:hasDangerPoint
- IL:hasDelayedSignal
- IL:hasDemarcatingBufferstop
- IL:hasDemarcatingTraindetector
- IL:hasDetectorTypes
- IL:hasElementGroupType
- IL:hasExitSignal
- IL:hasFoulingTrainDetectors
- IL:hasGateSection
- IL:hasGaugeClearanceMarker
- IL:hasHmiIndication
- IL:hasIndication
- IL:hasIndicator
- IL:hasInterface
- IL:hasLevelCrossingTrack
- IL:hasLevelCrossingType
- IL:hasModeIndicator
- IL:hasOperatorCommand
- IL:hasOverlap
- IL:hasPermissionZone
- IL:hasPositionRestriction
- IL:hasReleaseGroup
- IL:hasRepeater
- IL:hasResetStrategy
- IL:hasRouteType
- IL:hasSignalIndicator
- IL:hasSlaveLock
- IL:hasStationIndicator
- IL:hasTVDresetStrategy
- IL:hasTrackElement
- IL:hasTrainNumberField
- IL:hasTvdSection
- IL:implementsElementGroup
- IL:incomingRoute
- IL:interface
- IL:intermediateCodePoint
- IL:isLevelCrossingType
- IL:isLimitedBy
- IL:isLimitedByRadioBlockCentreBorder
- IL:key
- IL:keyLockIL
- IL:keyLockInState
- IL:lastOwnTvdSection
- IL:lastSupervisedSectionBeforeDangerPoint
- IL:levelCrossingIL
- IL:levelCrossingInState
- IL:localOperationArea
- IL:lockedTrack
- IL:movableBridge
- IL:movableCrossing
- IL:nonReplacement
- IL:outgoingRoute
- IL:overlap
- IL:overlapRelease
- IL:ownsSetsOfAssets
- IL:permissionZone
- IL:powerSupplyIL
- IL:protectsBlockExit
- IL:radioBlockCentre
- IL:reasonForConflict
- IL:refersTo
- IL:refersToCrossing
- IL:refersToDerailer
- IL:refersToDetector
- IL:refersToInfrastructureElement
- IL:refersToKeyLock
- IL:refersToLevelCrossing
- IL:refersToMember
- IL:refersToRoute
- IL:refersToSection
- IL:refersToSignal
- IL:refersToSwitch
- IL:refersToTunnelGate
- IL:relatedCrossingAndPosition
- IL:relatedDerailerAndPosition
- IL:relatedDerailerInPosition
- IL:relatedMovableElement
- IL:relatedSwitchAndPosition
- IL:relatedSwitchInPosition
- IL:relatedToTrackAsset
- IL:releaseTriggerSection
- IL:releasedForLocalOperation
- IL:route
- IL:routeActivationSection
- IL:routeEntry
- IL:routeExit
- IL:routeRelation
- IL:routeReleaseGroupAhead
- IL:routeReleaseGroupRear
- IL:routeSequence
- IL:routeStatusIndicator
- IL:showsAspect
- IL:shuntingZone
- IL:signalBox
- IL:signalIL
- IL:signalIndicator
- IL:signalWithAspect
- IL:signalsSpeedProfile
- IL:situatedAtTrackAsset
- IL:specificInfrastructureManager
- IL:stationIndicator
- IL:switchIL
- IL:switchInPosition
- IL:switchPositionInDepartureTrack
- IL:takesControlOf
- IL:trackAssetInArea
- IL:trackIL
- IL:trailingSwitchInPosition
- IL:trainNumberField
- IL:tunnelGateIL
- IL:tvdDetectorRef
- IL:tvdSection
- IL:workZone
- IS:applicationType
- IS:balise
- IS:baliseGroup
- IS:border
- IS:bufferStop
- IS:connectedWithInfrastructureElement
- IS:crossesElement
- IS:crossing
- IS:derailerIS
- IS:detector
- IS:electrificationSection
- IS:etcsArea
- IS:etcsLevelTransition
- IS:from
- IS:functionalType
- IS:genericArea
- IS:geometryPoint
- IS:gradientCurve
- IS:horizontalCurve
- IS:infrastructure
- IS:isEtcsSignal
- IS:isSpeedSignal
- IS:isTrainMovementSignal
- IS:keyLockIS
- IS:leftBranch
- IS:levelCrossingIS
- IS:line
- IS:lineLayout
- IS:loadingGauge
- IS:maxTrainCurrent
- IS:mileageChange
- IS:netElement
- IS:netRelation
- IS:network
- IS:networkLocation
- IS:operationalPoint
- IS:overCrossing
- IS:platform
- IS:platformEdge
- IS:radioBlockCentreBorder
- IS:restrictionArea
- IS:rightBranch
- IS:serviceSection
- IS:signalConstruction
- IS:signalIS
- IS:speedSection
- IS:stoppingPlace
- IS:straightBranch
- IS:switchIS
- IS:switchToLevel
- IS:to
- IS:track
- IS:trackBed
- IS:trackGauge
- IS:trainDetectionElement
- IS:trainProtectionElement
- IS:trainRadio
- IS:tunnelGateIS
- IS:turningBranch
- IS:underCrossing
- IS:via
- IS:weightLimit
- RS:engine
- RS:formation
- RS:keeper
- RS:manufacturer
- RS:operator
- RS:owner
- RS:trainOrder
- RS:trainResistance
- RS:vehicle
- RS:vehiclePart
- RTM:anchor
- RTM:areaLocation
- RTM:associatedNetElement
- RTM:associatedPositioningSystem
- RTM:elementCollectionOrdered
- RTM:elementCollectionUnordered
- RTM:geometricCoordinateBegin
- RTM:geometricCoordinateEnd
- RTM:geometricPositioningSystem
- RTM:intrinsicCoordinate
- RTM:level
- RTM:linearCoordinateBegin
- RTM:linearCoordinateEnd
- RTM:linearLocation
- RTM:linearPositioningSystem
- RTM:spotLocation
- TT:activityLoad
- TT:activityOther
- TT:activityRef
- TT:activityRollingStock
- TT:activityTrainReverse
- TT:announcement
- TT:announcementRef
- TT:arrival
- TT:baseItinerary
- TT:baseItineraryPoint
- TT:category
- TT:categoryRef
- TT:commercialConnection
- TT:commercialScheduling
- TT:commercialTrain
- TT:commercialTrainReference
- TT:commercialTrainSection
- TT:commercialTrainVariant
- TT:connectionTransferTime
- TT:departure
- TT:destination
- TT:externalTrainNumber
- TT:externalTrainReference
- TT:followupSection
- TT:formationInformation
- TT:isCancelled
- TT:isCommercial
- TT:itinerary
- TT:lineRef
- TT:locationRef
- TT:mediaCategory
- TT:operatingDayValidity
- TT:operationalRange
- TT:operationalTrain
- TT:operationalTrainSection
- TT:operationalTrainSectionPart
- TT:operationalTrainVariant
- TT:origin
- TT:passengerTextInfo
- TT:passengerTextInfoRef
- TT:platformEdgeRef
- TT:referencePoint
- TT:routeRef
- TT:startPoint
- TT:stoppingPlaceRef
- TT:timetableScenario
- TT:transferPoint
- TT:transportService
- TT:transportServiceRef
- Visualizations:areaElementProjection
- Visualizations:ellipticalProjection
- Visualizations:infrastructureVisualization
- Visualizations:linearElementProjection
- Visualizations:spotElementProjection
- Visualizations:usesSymbol
Unchanged Elements
- CO:allowedLoadingGauge
- CO:allowedWeight
- CO:allowedWeightLimit
- CO:beginsInGeometryPoint
- CO:beginsInOP
- CO:connectedToLine
- CO:connectedWithBaliseGroup
- CO:containedSituation
- CO:dateSet
- CO:designator
- CO:electrificationSystemRef
- CO:electrificationSystems
- CO:elementA
- CO:elementB
- CO:elementBasedPeriodRule
- CO:elementPart
- CO:endsInGeometryPoint
- CO:endsInOP
- CO:etcsSpeedProfile
- CO:external
- CO:genericOperatingPeriod
- CO:geometricPositioningSystems
- CO:holiday
- CO:holidays
- CO:infrastructureManagerRef
- CO:limitedByBorder
- CO:limitsTrainDetectionElement
- CO:linearPositioningSystems
- CO:markedByInfrastructureElement
- CO:name
- CO:networkResource
- CO:objectsRevised
- CO:operatingDay
- CO:ownsPlatform
- CO:ownsPlatformEdge
- CO:ownsServiceSection
- CO:ownsSignal
- CO:ownsStoppingPlace
- CO:ownsTrack
- CO:periodBitmask
- CO:periodGeneric
- CO:periodRule
- CO:periodRule:period
- CO:projects
- CO:publicHolidayPeriodRule
- CO:refersToBeginOfSpeedSection
- CO:refersToElectrificationSection
- CO:refersToEndOfSpeedSection
- CO:refersToLevelCrossing
- CO:refersToLine
- CO:refersToStoppingPlace
- CO:refersToTrainRadioSection
- CO:relation
- CO:screenPositioningSystems
- CO:speedProfiles
- CO:timePeriods
- CO:trackBegin
- CO:trackEnd
- CO:validForSpeedProfile
- CO:validityTime
- CO:validityTime:period
- GML4RAILML:description
- GML4RAILML:descriptionReference
- GML4RAILML:identifier
- GML4RAILML:posList
- Generic:auxiliaryBrakes
- Generic:freightFacilities
- Generic:networkName
- Generic:objectName
- Generic:places
- Generic:service
- Generic:textMessage
- Generic:weekPatterns
- IL:activatedBy
- IL:activationCondition
- IL:assetsForIL
- IL:assetsForInterlockings
- IL:atpDevice
- IL:atpDevices
- IL:atpType
- IL:combinedRoutes
- IL:command
- IL:conflictingRoutes
- IL:controlledAssets
- IL:controlledInterlocking
- IL:controlledSystemAsset
- IL:controllers
- IL:controlsSystemAsset
- IL:crossingInPosition:givenPosition
- IL:dangerPoints
- IL:deactivatedBy
- IL:derailerInPosition:givenPosition
- IL:derailersIL
- IL:destinationPoints
- IL:detectorInState:givenState
- IL:device
- IL:dnsServer
- IL:endOfTracks
- IL:entrySignal
- IL:etcs
- IL:etcsGeneralData
- IL:exitSignal
- IL:genericDetectors
- IL:givenAspect
- IL:hasConfiguration
- IL:implementsSignalplan
- IL:initStatus
- IL:interfaces
- IL:isPhysical
- IL:itineraries
- IL:itinerary
- IL:keyLockInState:givenState
- IL:keyLocksIL
- IL:keys
- IL:lastSupervisedSectionBeforeDP
- IL:levelCrossingInState:givenState
- IL:levelCrossingsIL
- IL:localOperationAreas
- IL:message
- IL:movableBridges
- IL:movableCrossings
- IL:overlapReleaseTimer
- IL:overlaps
- IL:permissionZones
- IL:powerSuppliesIL
- IL:radioBlockCenter
- IL:radioBlockCentres
- IL:relatedDetectorAndState
- IL:relatedLevelCrossingAndState
- IL:relatedLockAndState
- IL:relatedSectionAndVacancy
- IL:relatedToTunnelGateAndState
- IL:requiredCrossingPosition
- IL:requiredDerailerPosition
- IL:requiredDetectorState
- IL:requiredKeyLockState
- IL:requiredLevelCrossingState
- IL:requiredSectionState
- IL:requiredSignalAspect
- IL:requiredSwitchPosition
- IL:requiredTunnelGateState
- IL:requiresLevelCrossingInState
- IL:requiresSwitchInPosition
- IL:routeRelations
- IL:routeReleaseGroupsAhead
- IL:routeReleaseGroupsRear
- IL:routeSequences
- IL:routeStatusIndicators
- IL:routes
- IL:scope
- IL:shuntingZones
- IL:signalBoxes
- IL:signalDelayTime
- IL:signalIndicators
- IL:signalsIL
- IL:specificIM
- IL:specificIMs
- IL:specificInfrastructureManagers
- IL:stationIndicators
- IL:switchInPosition:givenPosition
- IL:switchesIL
- IL:tracksIL
- IL:trainNumberFields
- IL:tunnelGatesIL
- IL:tvdSections
- IL:workZones
- IS:areaElementProjection
- IS:baliseGroups
- IS:borders
- IS:bufferStops
- IS:centerPoint
- IS:circle
- IS:coordinate
- IS:crossings
- IS:derailersIS
- IS:detectors
- IS:electrifications
- IS:energyCatenary
- IS:energyPantograph
- IS:energyRollingstock
- IS:etcsAreas
- IS:etcsElectrification
- IS:etcsLevelCrossing
- IS:etcsLevelTransitions
- IS:geometry
- IS:geometryPoints
- IS:gradientCurves
- IS:hasContactWire
- IS:horizontalCurves
- IS:infrastructureVisualizations
- IS:isAnnouncementSignal
- IS:isCatenarySignal
- IS:isDangerSignal
- IS:isEurobalise
- IS:isEurobaliseGroup
- IS:isInformationSignal
- IS:isLevelCrossingSignal
- IS:isLocatedAt
- IS:isMilepost
- IS:isStopPost
- IS:isTrainRadioSignal
- IS:isVehicleEquipmentSignal
- IS:keyLocksIS
- IS:kinematicProfile
- IS:levelCrossingsIS
- IS:lineCombinedTransportCode
- IS:lineOperation
- IS:linePerformance
- IS:lineTrafficCode
- IS:linearElementProjection
- IS:lines
- IS:loadingGauges
- IS:locationReference
- IS:mileageChanges
- IS:netElements
- IS:netRelations
- IS:networks
- IS:opEquipment
- IS:opOperation
- IS:opOperations
- IS:operationalPoints
- IS:overCrossings
- IS:pantographSpacing
- IS:phaseSeparationSection
- IS:physicalFacilities
- IS:platformEdges
- IS:platforms
- IS:polygon
- IS:radioBlockCentreBorders
- IS:restrictionAreas
- IS:serviceSections
- IS:signalsIS
- IS:speeds
- IS:spotElementProjection
- IS:staticProfile
- IS:stoppingPlaces
- IS:switchesIS
- IS:systemSeparationSection
- IS:trackBeds
- IS:trackGauges
- IS:tracks
- IS:trainRadios
- IS:underCrossings
- IS:usesSymbol
- IS:validForTrainMovement
- IS:visualization
- IS:weightLimits
- IS:width
- RS:administrativeData
- RS:formations
- RS:rollingstock
- RS:vehicles
- TT:additionalStopInfo:activities
- TT:additionalStopInfos:additionalStopInfo
- TT:audioFragment
- TT:audioFragments
- TT:baseItineraries
- TT:baseItineraryPoint:stop
- TT:categories
- TT:categoryRefs
- TT:commercialSchedulings
- TT:commercialTrains
- TT:connectionTransferTimes
- TT:externalTrainReference:stop
- TT:followupSections
- TT:identifier:range
- TT:isOnRequest
- TT:isOperationalIM
- TT:isOperationalRU
- TT:itineraries
- TT:itinerary:range
- TT:mediaCategories
- TT:mediaResources
- TT:minimalTime
- TT:operationalTrainSection:additionalStopInfos
- TT:operationalTrainSectionPart:additionalStopInfos
- TT:operationalTrains
- TT:platformEdgeRefs
- TT:reserve
- TT:reserves
- TT:routeRefs
- TT:stop:activities
- TT:stop:announcements
- TT:stop:passengerTextInfos
- TT:tafTapTsiId
- TT:text
- TT:textFragment
- TT:textFragments
- TT:textToSpeechTemplate
- TT:timeBasedRule
- TT:timetable:announcements
- TT:timetable:passengerTextInfos
- TT:timetableScenarios
- TT:train
- TT:transferRelation
- TT:transportServices
- TT:variant
- Visualizations:center
- Visualizations:coordinate
- Visualizations:infrastructureVisualizations
- Visualizations:isLocatedAt
- Visualizations:visualizations