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Railway Infrastructure Recording
Subschema: Infrastructure
Reported by: Bahnkonzept
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For general information on use cases see UC:Use cases

Use case / Anwendungsfall

Railway Infrastructure Recording; Erfassung der Schieneninfrastruktur

Description / Beschreibung

There are several systems and projects that follow the aim to record and visualize railway infrastructure data in an economical, fast and accurate way. Information about the track geometry, topology and related infrastructure elements are dynamically recorded with a multi-sensor measurement unit and combined with image capturing. As a result the railway track will be visualized within a high resolution video based simulation. Further, measured data can be exported for utilization in other railway applications.

Data Flows and Interfaces / Datenflüsse und Schnittstellen

Infrastructure data provided by the recording system include information about railway topology, track elements and operational elements of the railway network. All objects in the database are exported with a coordinate reference to further applications (e.g. simulators, onboard passenger information systems, timetable tools, construction planning).

Generic topology information (e.g. electrification, track classification, ocp attributes) can be imported from external sources, e.g. from a database provided by the infrastructure manager.

Interference with other railML® schemas / Interferenz mit anderen railML®-Schemen

  • none

Characterizing Data / Charakterisierung der Daten

This section serves to specify the required data regarding certain aspects.

How often do the data change (update)?

  • static (not changing)
  • yearly

How big are the data fragments to be exchanged (complexity)?

  • big (station/yard)
  • huge (region)
  • whole data set (network)

Which views are represented by the data (focus)?

  • Signaling
  • Geometry
  • Construction
  • Railway Operation

Which specific IS data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

  • Topology
    • <connections> <switch> (id, pos, absPos, model, length, type, trackContinueCourse)
    • <crossSections> (id, pos, absPos, dir, ocpRef)
    • <trackBegin> (id, pos, absPos)
    • <trackEnd> (id, pos, absPos)
    • <mileageChanges> (id, pos, absPos, absPosIn)
  • Track elements
    • <gradientChanges> (id, pos, absPos, Slope)
    • <speedChanges> (id, pos, absPos, dir, signalised, vMax)
    • <electrificationChanges> (id, pos, absPos, type, voltage, frequency)
    • <platformEdges> (id, pos, absPos, length, dir, height, side, ocpRef, parentPlatformEdgeRef)
    • <radiusChanges> (id, pos, absPos, dir, radius, superelevation, *Übergangsbogentyp, *Übergangsbogenparameter)
    • <geoMappings> (id, pos, absPos)
      • <geoCoord> (coord, extraHeight, epsgCode)
    • <bridges> (id, name, pos, absPos, length, dir, kind, *Name der überquerten Straße)
    • <tunnels> (id, name, pos, absPos, length, dir, crossSection, kind, name, *Name der unterquerten Straße bzw. Flusses)
    • <levelCrossings> (id, name, pos, absPos, angle, protection, ocpStationRef, *Bezeichnung der kreuzenden Straße)
  • Operational infrastructure elements
    • <operationControlPoints> (id, name)
      • <propOperational> (operationalType)
      • <propService> (passenger)
      • <designator> (register, entry)
  • Operation and control system elements
    • <signals> (id, name, pos, absPos, dir, type, function, ocpStationRef)

    ( * railML-attribute available from v2.3 only)