UC:IL:EulynxDataPreparationInterlocking Subschema: Interlocking Reported by: EULYNX | |||
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For general information on use cases see UC:Use cases |
Infrastructure Managers (IM) wish to represent their railway system in terms of standardised data types. Eulynx collects the types and attributes of objects, or track assets, that are found on Europe’s railways. Eulynx also analyses the logical relations that exist between elements in terms of routes, flank protection<br />The result of this analysis is called a data platform, for it is more than a simple static data dictionary, that acts as input to the railML interlocking model. By adopting the objects and object-relations described in this data platform railML gains acceptance by IM's and ensures completeness of the model.<br />
Eulynx distinguishes conventional and ERTMS interlocking whilst recognising that there is overlap.
The reason for standardising data types and relations between objects is
- Exchange of asset information, e.g. with the Registry of Infrastructure (link to RINF Use Case)
- Exchange of asset information with signalling industry (link to IL:UC:InterlockingEngineering)
The planning of the interlocking and signalling systems for individual yards is and remains within the scope of the Infrastructure Managers. Extracts of the data set describing the yard flows to the suppliers who customise their signalling system to that particular yard. This is the To Build data subset. The supplier enriches or modifies the data subset according to the As Built situation. This As Built dataset then flows back to the IM who incorporates the data in his asset information system. Traceability between Eulynx data dictionary and the railML IL model allows a cross-check of completeness.
Eulynx describes the use case in the presentation [1]. The IM transfers data in railML format to the signalling supplier for use in the production process. After completing the process, the supplier (or engineering subcontractor) returns railML data to the IM with enriched detail asset information. The IM updates his asset database to reflect the as-built situation. Please refer to the linked use cases that cover the Eulynx use case.
For detailed information please refer to the website https://eulynx.eu (external link)
- ↑ EULYNX European Initiative Linking Interlocking Systems (link to the railML® website)}}