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Automatic Schemaexport for Element posList

Autoexport from the XML-Schema for element GML4RAILML:posList of railML® version 3.1
Documentation posList instances (and other instances with the content model specified by DirectPositionListType) hold the coordinates for a sequence of direct positions within the same coordinate reference system (CRS).

if no srsName attribute is given, the CRS shall be specified as part of the larger context this geometry element is part of, typically a geometric object like a point, curve, etc. The optional attribute count specifies the number of direct positions in the list. If the attribute count is present then the attribute srsDimension shall be present, too. The number of entries in the list is equal to the product of the dimensionality of the coordinate reference system (i.e. it is a derived value of the coordinate reference system definition) and the number of direct positions.
This element is part of GML, version 3.1 that is referenced by railML® version 3.1. Within railML®, the railML® version is significant for the handling of this element rather than the GML version. Please consider the licence terms of GML.

Subschema gml4railml




  • count: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (optional; xs:positiveInteger),

  • srsDimension: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (optional; xs:positiveInteger),

  • srsName: This attribute is not documented in the schema! (optional; xs:anyURI)
Elements may have different parent elements. As a consequence they may be used in different contexts.
Please, consider this as well as a user of this wiki as when developing this documentation further.
Aspects that are only relevant with respect to one of several parents should be explained exclusively in the documentation of the respective parent element.