UC:IS:ETCS track net

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ETCS Track Net
Subschema: Infrastructure
Related subschemas: IL 
Reported by: Thales
Finish.svg MODELLED railML® 3.2

Finish.svg MODELLED railML® 3.3
For general information on use cases see UC:Use cases

Use case / Anwendungsfall

ETCS track net

  • ETCS-a: Input for Detailed Design of ETCS Trackside
  • ETCS-b: Output of Detailed Design of ETCS Trackside
  • ETCS-c: Alignment on Topology and Properties of Trackside Equipment Before ETCS Balise Placement

ETCS track net covers the requirements for access and use of the rail network of the Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) in microscopic way. It provides all the technical and operational information that is necessary for entities entitled to access the network, determine train positions and generate a movement authority for the train.

On an ETCS equipped railway line, the onboard ATPs are controlled by Movement Authority (MA) messages from a wayside RBC or LEU . These messages contain detailed information about certain aspects of the infrastructure, e.g. balises, speed restrictions, gradients and track conditions. This use case aims at modelling all infrastructure data necessary for generating MAs, as defined by SUBSET-026, version 3.x.


Data transfer from Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) to Signalling Supplier (input for the start of an ETCS Level 2 trackside project based on a centralized technical solution; Details for ETCS Level 1 to follow with railML V3.3)

This sub use case is applied at the beginning of a railway project when the Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) provides the input data.

Die Daten dieses Teil-Anwendungsfalls werden in der in Deutschland üblichen Terminologie auch als PT1 (Planteil 1 der sicherungstechnischen Planunterlagen ) bezeichnet.


Data transfer from Signalling Supplier to Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) (output as delivery data of an ETCS Level 2 trackside project based on a centralized technical solution; Details for ETCS Level 1 to follow with railML V3.3)

This sub use case contains the basic topology data enriched with ETCS specific application data

Die Daten dieses Teil-Anwendungsfalls werden in der in Deutschland üblichen Terminologie auch als PT2 (Planteil 2 der sicherungstechnischen Planunterlagen) bezeichnet.


Data transfer of topology data between Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) and Signalling Supplier(s) (input or control data set as basis for all project members, independent of ETCS Level)

This sub use case can be used as input or control data set as basis for all project members.

Data Flows and Interfaces / Datenflüsse und Schnittstellen

Transfer of railway infrastructure data into the Radio_Block_Centre (Wiki banner.png)


ETCS-a: data transfer from Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png) to signalling supplier

transfer of data from Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png)'s data base / planning tool to signalling supplier's design & engineering tool(s)


ETCS-b: data transfer from signalling supplier to Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png)

transfer of data from signalling supplier's design & engineering tool(s) to Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png)'s data base / planning tool


transfer of data (initial as-is-situation based on legacy schematic plans) from Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png)'s tool landscape to signalling supplier's design tool

transfer of data (updated as-is-situation based on measurements with high accuracy) from signalling supplier's design tool to Railway_infrastructure_manager (Wiki banner.png)'s tool landscape

ETCS-c: data transfer of topology data between IM and signalling supplier(s)

Interference with other railML® schemas / Interferenz mit anderen railML®-Schemas

Characterizing Data / Charakterisierung der Daten

How often do the data change (update)?

  • Regular changes

The frequency for updates should be low.

The updates depends on reconstructions of the ETCS area.


The frequency of updates is high.

The signalling supplier will add application data like balises.


The frequency for updates should be low.

The updates depends on reconstructions of the ETCS area.

How big are the data fragments to be exchanged (complexity)?

  • Big station (yard)
  • Huge (region)
  • Whole date set (network)

The amount of the data to be exchanged match the length of the ETCS area, that means the size and the complexity of the stations.

The element count ranges from the low hundreds up to several thousand data elements per occurrence.


The amount of the data to be exchanged is bigger than in use case ETCS-a because data such as balises or routes will be added.


The amount of the data to be exchanged is the same as in use case ETCS-a.

Which views are represented by the data (focus)?

  • Topology: track network, line network
  • Construction: assets along the track / line

The sub use case contains the input data required for ETCS Level 2 software engineering and contains the following information:

  • Track layout description
  • ETCS level transition locations
  • Railroad_switch (Wiki banner.png)
  • Railway_signal (Wiki banner.png)
  • BaliseGroups (if available in this project status)
  • Workíng Areas
  • Local operation Areas
  • Shunting Areas
  • Interlockings (if available in this project status)

The sub use case contains also data from the Interlocking schema for elements used from the Infrastructure schema:


The sub use case contains the topology information:

Which specific data do you expect to receive/send (elements)?

Element Attribute Typical value Range ETCS-a ETCS-b ETCS-c
electrificationSystems voltage, frequency x x x
speedProfiles (specification, i.e. ETCS speed profile) x x
positioning systems linear positioning system x x x
netElements connection, aggregation x x x
netRelations connection x x x
networks aggregation x x x
gradientCurve (slope) type, gradient, length, location x x
balises, balise groups location, application type, Eurobalise (x) (x)
borders type, location (x) (x) (x)
bufferStops location (x) (x) (x)
crossings location, topology reference (x) (x) (x)
derailers location (x) (x)
detectors type, location (x) (x)
electrifications contact line type, location (x)
etcsAreas ETCS version, location x x
etcsLevelTransitions level switch, location (x) x
key locks location (x)
levelCrossings location, ETCS related parameters (x) (x) (x)
loading gauges code, location (x)
operational points name, location, ETCS related parameters x (x) x
overCrossings (bridges, tunnels) construction type, location (x) (x) (x)
platforms link to platform edges (x) (x) (x)
platform edges location x x x
radio block centre borders RBC link, location (x) (x)
restrictionAreas type, location (x) (x)
signals location, signal type specification (x) (x) (x)
speeds location, link to speedProfile, speed x x
switches type, location (x) (x) (x)
tracks type, location x x
trainDetectionElements type, location (x) (x)
train protection elements train protection system, location (x)
underCrossings (bridges) construction type, location (x) (x) (x)
mileage changes location (x) (x) (x)
tunnel gates location (x) (x) (x)