Dev:Railway switch curve

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Railway switch consists of a switch, connecting rails and a frog. Connecting rail set of an ordinary switch consists of two straight and curved rails. Curved rails have some radius. This curve is called a switch curve.

Railway switch curve Public domain work by Pearson_Scott_Foresman (Source)

In railML3 model it is possible to represent radius of each branch of the railway switch. Negative and positive values have corresponding meaning defined as in the <horizontalCurve>/@radius attribute.

Figure 2 - Possible orientations of a railway switch

Inside curved switch Tram network

Case leftBranch/@radius rightBranch/@radius
Ordinary switch a) 0 -300
Ordinary switch b) 0 -300
Ordinary switch c) 300 0
Ordinary switch d) 300 0
Inside curved switch a) -300 -280
Inside curved switch b) -300 -280
Outside curved switch 300 -300